Ocean Friends Brand Feed
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3 Pound Bag - Antarctic Krill (E. Superba)
Whole frozen E. Superba Krill in an easy to manage re-sealable one pound bag. The flat sheet of krill allows you to break off small amounts for precise feeding without waste.

12.5 Kilo - Antarctic Krill (E. Superba)
Whole frozen krill in a single 12.5 kilo block. Preferred by many Aquarist and Mammalogists, the E. Superba is the larger of the two krill and an excellent source of Carotenoids, especially Astaxanthin.

Krill (E. Pacifica) Whole Frozen
The Pacifica Krill is a smaller size than the Superba Krill. It is frozen blanched unlike the Superba Kill that is frozen raw.

October 21, 2024

Tinker Mackerel or Herring
This Mackerel could replace expensive Herring...See Why.

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Ocean Friends Brand Feed